PTR Automation, Inc
8317 Front Beach Road, Suite 9
Panama City Beach, FL 32407
Main Office: 850-588-1170 | FAX: 850-230-1098

Success Stories
PTR has supported the US Marines Expeditionary Command and Control Suite (ECCS), The ECCS is a transit case / suitcase solution providing beyond line of sight SIPRNet, NIPRNet, voice, and video reach back with higher headquarters to early entry forces until larger C2 systems are established. The ECCS consists of a Rapid Response Kit (RRK), Commander's Kit (CK), and the Consolidated Base Station (CBS). The ECCS can be employed by one Marine and support up to a team of 15 Marines. ECCS enables Commanders to tailor initial entry forces for a wide range of crises, from forcible entry to humanitarian assistance. ECCS provides Commanders connectivity to the Global Information Grid (GIG) Net Centric Enterprise Services (NCES) from remote and austere locations in theater. It operates on commercial SATCOM bands, L/UHF Band, and commercial ISP.
PTR has provided information Technology support for the ECCS systems and has sent them to the Corp's IMEF, IIMEF, IIIMEF and the reserves. Locations include Camp Pendleton, CA; Camp Lejeune, NC; Okinawa, Japan and the Reserves in Brooklyn, NY.
Contract Vehicles
The Navy has established the Seaport Enhanced (Seaport-e) Multiple Award Contract (MAC) vehicle, using a web-based, e-business procurement Portal, to facilitate performance-based service acquisition, leverage buying power, improve business intelligence and reduce cycle time. PTR's Seaport-e Contract Vehicle is N00178-12-D-7020.
For civilian and other non-governmental customers you can procure our services the normal way via a purchase orders which can be paid by cash, check, or credit card.